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Saturday, March 5, 2022

We Are Going To The Dogs?

The title of this post came about because of DJ and Jacob.  On Friday Snorlax made its way to Son's house via my Icie, my hybrid auto.  Anytime we show up at Son's, DJ the granddog is certain we have arrived for no other reason than her.  About 50% of the time she is correct.  Our presence can mean a car ride searching for squirrels.  Friday was no exception to this tradition.  Except for one little difference.  Lyla.

Unlike our cats from decades ago who would scream like a banshee, Lyla just took in the sights.  She calmly walked around the inside taking advantage of all the views.  When a squirrel came into view, DJ did her usual whines increasing to loud, really loud barks.  Lyla was terribly unimpressed.  

As the ride came to an end, an attempt was made to get a group photo.   Hubby is not trying to choke Lyla, just simply attempting to get her to face the camera.  You can tell by the next photo what Lyla thought of that idea.  Yes, that is the south end of a northbound Lyla.  Naturally bobbed tail and all.  We settled for a profile of Lyla, a drooling DJ cleaning her face, the inside of my nose, and one of Hubby's eyes.  

Oh, well, the ride was pretty perfect.  DJ, who is a bulldog mix, by barking loudly treed two squirrels.  Lyla, an American bobtail, remained calm throughout the ride.  We only had to calm down the fur sisters one time when DJ decided Lyla was in her space. Is that not just typical kids and siblings?

For the next week we are having Jacob the dachshund as our fur guest.  

Before I close this bit of nothing today let me share a bit about the phrase, going to the dogs.   Most of us are familiar with this phrase meaning a decline a business, organization, neighborhood, country, or possibly a person.  Just no to the standard previously held.  The source is possibly traced to the walled cities of ancient China.  No dogs were permitted within the walls.  The dogs lived outside the city walls and lived on the garbage.  There are diverse explanations here or here yet another here.  

So ends my tale of going to the dogs.  Well, and one bobtail cat.

Take care and Peace for Ukraine.
The tail end of Hubby, Lyla, and my finger


  1. Hari OM
    Well, that was just a joyous post for me to read in this earliest hour of Sunday morning as I prepare to switch off and attempt sleep... YAM xx

    1. Fun to do a little nonsense for a change. namaste, janice xx


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