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Friday, March 4, 2022

Painting Styles

According to this article, there are 49 different types of painting styles.  I find myself usually drawn to impressionist painting, Impasto in the article.  Truly, all types can bring me pleasure depending on the subject matter.  Over my left shoulder is the very first print we purchased as young marrieds.  It is titled 'Woman on a Donkey' and is a real conversation starter.  I used that picture for Palm Sunday a couple of times.  The picture shows a signature of Jipkin.  I can find no information about this artist.  

Next to the donkey picture is another print, a landscape titled 'Shelter Cove Ranch' by Werner Philipp, 1949.  Judging from the artist's usual medium the original was probably oil on canvas.  I saw the print and liked how it took me to beautiful view.  As I heard on a show recently, art is supposed to speak to ones self.  Both the donkey and Shelter cove pictures speak to me in different ways.

If you look closely in the photo of my picture wall there is another print.  It is next to the childhood photo of my MIL and her brother.  The print is of Lake Louise (named Ho-run-num-nay (Lake of the Little Fishes) by the Stoney Nakota First Nations people) is a glacial lake within Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. The Glacier was named by the British Victoria Glacier.  Hubby and I visited the area in 2008.  The print is signed and was given to us by our wait person at Delta Hotel restaurant.  We recounted how our trip was made possible by the miraculous recovery of Hubby from the saddle embolism.  The wait person was so moved she gave the print to us as a remeberance of our trip.  I do not know what the original medium was for this print.

As for the style of each of the prints I am not sure.  Donkey is an impression.  Shady Cove is landscape.  Lake Louise and Victoria glacier seems to be a detailed landscape, maybe?  I am pretty sure that Robbie's latest creation is an Action Painting.  I'm not getting much of a sense of any object.  Others may see something in this Action Painting by Robbie, 2022.

I do hope all you folks out there are as well as can be.  Do stay safe.




  1. Hari OM
    I see Australia! I really like Woman on Donkey and can see why you bought it. Art is such an objective thing - which is why we need it I suppose! YAM xx

    1. That's because you love that land so much! As for Donkey, it was hanging in a Contour Chair store at North Park Mall in Dallas. We were just wondering around window shopping. We turned a corner and I saw the framed print from several stores away. I was drawn to it and Hubby liked it, also. Thirty dollars later and it was ours! namaste, janice xx


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