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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Hands Up!

Old cowboy shows kinda always show at least one scene where the lawman says, "Hands Up!"  Then the fools just will not put their hands up.  In going through the boxes she found an old postcard.  It was sent in the early 50's by her aunt to a roommate.  The aunt was a phone operator for Southwestern Bell. So was the roommate.  Lots of young women made it big, well, made it, working for the phone company.

Swithboards operators.  They knew which wires to plug into the correct connection.  There were some of the young women that were just long distance operators.  Others were directory assistance.  Back in the day of longdistance charges, the operator would tell the person making the caller to add money to the payphone.  Pay phones were located everywhere.  In subways, in hotel lobbies, on street corners, and restaurants.  

Back to the postcard.  She remembered seeing in the the photobox for years.  The box was a hat box before becoming the picture box.  For almost 50 years the box was in the closet.  The closet was in her youngest sister's room.  Seeing that postcard flooded her with memories or going to that closet that was filled with shelves.  The shelves held the spare sheets, pillows, and unironed clothes. The bottom shelf and floor held sister's toys.

The closet was in the almost brand new house her parents bought.  It was red brick with indoor plumbing.  Mom and Dad had a half bath in a small room off their bedroom.  Daddy had a closet and so did Mom in their bedroom.  Sister and I each had our own clothes closets.  No more hanging our clothes on nail driven into the walls.  There was something called central heat to keep them warm.  It was amazing.  

But still the post card brought back the memories of vacations with the aunt, her parents and older sisters.  All six people crammed into the two door Chevy coup.  Vacations before the aunt and sisters married.  When everything was perfect and fun.  When a kid just played.  Before having to be all grown up.  Before the aunt and mom and dad died when the sisters were kids at home.  Playing dolls for a while, playing house, or cowboys hunting the bad guys.  Hands up or I'll shoot.


take care,



  1. Hari OM... ah... now I see yesterday's comment has disappeared - could it have hit your spam folder??? Yxx

    1. The system never showed a comment. That's strange. namaste, janice, xx


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