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Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Tower of Babel

Often we humans make up stories to explain something.  There may be a reader or two who will be upset with what is about to be placed out on the web by this blogger.  The concept that anything in the Holy Bible is a myth will be blaspheme to some.  You had best quit reading right now if you are of that mindset.  Lots of storytelling through the ages to explain things are

The Tower of Babel is one such myth/story.  The short version is after The Great Flood, another myth, everyone spoke the same language.  The folks decided to build a temple to reach the heavens.  Guess they wanted a bit of facetime with The Creator.  Iphones had not been invented on earth, so the facetime app was not an option.  Gradually the building went higher and higher.  

Apparently, The Creator did not want a face-to-face with the earthlings.  The obvious answer was to have everyone speak a different language.  Suddenly there was no longer easy communication at the work site.  Work on the building stopped as the people sought out others with the same language.  As a matter of fact, according to the story, like speaking folks dispersed across the earth.

Recently, two men were texting about a common hobby.  One kept thinking he was on messenger.  The other gentleman was saying they were on a different text message app.  Both men were speaking/texting in Americanized English.  The words were not connecting to the proper brain cells.  They were not attempting to build a Tower of Babel.  They were just attempting to set up a time to practice Morse code.  Now how on earth are they going to communicate in Morse code when they were not even understanding the typed word?  Eventually,  they made a phone call and were able to get things worked out to their satisfaction.

Borsippa Ziggurat, a possible location of the Tower of Babel
 Yves GELLIE/Gamma-Rapho/ Getty Images 

Whether the Tower of Babel story is real or Memorex is not my concern.  A simple conversation about a time to meet or how to reset a password can quickly become convoluted.  Humans seem to be challenged when it comes to just communicating with one another.  I am not sure it took The Creator's intervention to interfere with the tower building project.  Probably a couple of people just could not come to an agreement on something simple.  Maybe which way the toilet paper should come off the roll.  Tower of Babel for certain.


Take care,



  1. Hari om
    LOL...yup, there is much in the world that could be sorted if folk just would look each other in the eye and talk straight! YAM xx

    1. Yes. Hubby's friend is in Florida so a phone call had to be the best bet. namaste, janice xx


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