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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Just Write

According to all the experts, one must write every day.  Again and again, it is daily writing is required to improve writing skills.  All one has to do is come up with a subject and a sort of plan for a story.  There are even websites to go to for inspiration.  But it all requires the same thing, making one's brain move out of neutral and think.  That is the hardest part some days, moving out of neutral.

Neutral is a nice place to be.  Not worrying about the stock market.  Not looking into the status of the return that has not been acknowledged.  Ignoring the dust bunnies or the spider webs under the tables.  Just sitting in neutral, not thinking.  But not thinking is hard, too.  Thoughts creep into the molecules of the grey cells.  

Thoughts about which day of the week is it.  Wonder how an old friend is doing now that his wife has passed from this life.  When was the last time the cleaning tab was put in the commode tank?  Wonder if the console could be raised up high enough for the robot cleaner to get underneath cause the dust under it is really gross.  Wonder if it is time to get my hair cut?  Is the weather going to be cold tomorrow?

Neutral may be good but it is almost impossible to do that.  Emptying one's mind of all thoughts is more than just a little challenging.  To grow in spiritual ways requires that quieting of the mind.  Still that quieting is the very thing needed to hear the muses or the spirit.  An opening for inspiration to enter one's mind so the writing can be done.

The instructor teaches that even if the writing is not good, write.  In the writing, there may be a seed that can grow into a great story.  Unless the dust bunnies or the spider webs have some seeds hidden in them, there is not much hope from this post.   Sure, just write.  


  1. Hari OM
    ...and the muse WILL show up! I so know this struggle, but can confirm that daily practice does help one improve. Or, if nothing else, keeps one's mind to a task, rather than scattering. Until, that is, something in the writing prompts a period of distraction... YAM xx

    1. The post about the blizzard and driving started as a totally different story. namaste, janice xx


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