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Friday, February 4, 2022

Frazzled Friday

After two days of freezing rain, sleet, and snow the two crazy old folks pack the '99 Jeep.  They head to the beach of the Gulf.  Hopefully there will be warm sea breezes and a walk on the beach.   Instead of interstate highways, they head for the byways, also known as Blue highways.  

After a month in 800 square feet, he is ready for adventure.  There is still ice on the streets.  As soon as he tops off the gas tank, he pulls onto the street.  There is a slight skid and he smiles.  Then he does additional sideways movements for just a bit of fun.  Old Woman notes that if he is going to drive like that on the trip down, he needs to just take her back home.  She is such a killjoy.

A couple of hundred miles into the trip a sign notes there are no services for the next 60 miles.  No gas, no restrooms, no MickeyD fries.  They are in the country.  It is about this time Old Woman notices the homes along the way have satellite dishes mounted on poles that are several yards long.  High in the air similar to the height of antenna back in the day.  

As Old Man at one point in his life installed TV antenna, Old Woman points out the raised satellite dishes.  OM says that is the only way folks this far out in the countryside can have internet connectivity.  OW is suddenly returned to her childhood.  Electricity was new to the farming community.  Everyone still had kerosene lamps for when the electricity would fail.

In OW's mind she sees the bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling.  There is an additional socket with places to plug extension cords into.  The wire hanging from the ceiling is covered in a type of cloth.  It is actually two wires wound together.  Strange how one can be transported to another time and see your past.  Wires, internet, and bare light bulbs because she saw the raised satellite dishes.  

It occured to OW how internet connection will be as normal for children of this generation as electricity.  The sources of power glide past the windows of the Jeep.  Oil pumps and wind farms sharing the landscape.

graceful ballerinas 

their arms move to the will 

of the wind

Take care,



  1. Hari Om
    I was saying to my sister only yesterday how internet connection is as much an essential utility now as light once was to our grandparents, bringing a different level of functionality to life... and memory. Crikey though, OM - more care on the icy roads when you have OW passengers!!! YAM xx

    1. The roads cleared quickly when the sun came out! We made it safely and have enjoyed a view of sand and waves. OM did better after the scold.😁


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