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Monday, February 21, 2022

Robbie's Day Off

DJ the dog is staying with us this weekend.  Almost two years ago a situation arose between the dog and the robot vacuum.  That event is covered in this post.  Needless to say, Robbie does not ever run when DJ visits.  Turned off, unplugged, and locked in the closet.  Not ever gonna have to clean up that mess again.  As a result, no Robbie drawing for today.  Fortunately, I married a man who always gives me plenty of material for writing.  Today is no exception.

Hubby has decided he wants to make jerky for our son.  Hubby knows Son always enjoys a good jerky treat.  Hubby will do anything for that man.  Hubby's commitment to Son's happiness has been long-lived.  I was working a swing shift and Hubby was responsible for dinner.  As a child Son loved the mashed potatoes and gravy from Col. Sanders.  No matter what the main course was from another take-out restaurant, Hubby would get Son an order of gravy and potatoes from Col. Sanders.  And now he makes jerky for Son.

The meat for the jerky has been in the fridge soaking in a special marinade for a day or so.  The last batch of jerky was only dried in the oven.  This batch needed to be smoked for an hour or so in the smoker.  Hubby's smoker is one of those Green Egg knockoffs.  That means there is an entire 30-gallon tub packed with stuff he needs to make the smoker smoke.  The tub is too heavy to carry, therefore Hubby comes outside with the tub on the cart we use to haul groceries from the car into the apartment.   

We decided to add some chicken breasts and cod fillets to the smoker.  Since he has gone to all the trouble to get the smoker to smoke, why not.  The chicken is placed in the bag of leftover marinade.  A plank is soaked to hold the cod while smoking it.  Once these items are ready I place them on the side table on the patio.  And DJ makes a beeline for the food.  Fortunately, I see this in time to grab the tray to avoid DJ eating frozen cod fillets.

Remember that 30-gallon bin with all that equipment?  That is spread all over the table, patio floor, and chair.  The tabletop has to be rearranged to make room for the food to keep it out of DJ's reach.  I do mention that things seem to be spread about.  Hubby huffs and begins packing away some of the items no longer needed.  I go back to the kitchen to begin the prep of vegetables for the rest of dinner.  A short time later I notice people talking outside our patio.  That is when I discover what all the talk and laughter is about.

Grandpa is giving DJ a ride in the cart.  He says she needed a ride.  Some of the other apartment dwellers were enjoying Grandpa and the dog.  She sat like a queen in the bins we use to transport our groceries.  There is one thing missing from the cart.  The 30-gallon bin with all the smoke-producing equipment.  It is midnight and that is still on the patio.  Just like Son gets his own specially made jerky, DJ gets cart rides.  That bin can wait until tomorrow.  Gotta love that sweet Grandpa/Dad/Hubby.

Take care out there.



  1. Hari OM
    LOL - oh for goodness sake, DJ looks like she has been getting chauffeured all her days!!! And after all that, I trust the smoking went well with no loss to dog chomps? YAM xx

    1. I had texted the photo of DJ as she jumped in Gene's lap and helped herself to his oatmeal while he was distracted. The Granddaughter told Son, "Oh, my gosh! They spoil her so bad". After I sent the photo of the ride she could not believe DJ was getting a wagon ride. The smoking went well with no loss! namaste, janice xx


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