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Friday, February 25, 2022

Snorlax Sprung a Leak

The beanbag that #4 Grandson wanted for Christmas sprung a leak.  It was a small leak that Son managed to stop with the perfect fix, duct tape.  However, G#4 wanted it to be repaired properly.  To do that meant emptying the beanbag.  Oh, my.  There are now little beans from here to there.  The static electricity has the things just jumping every time they are touched by the slightest air movement.  

Jumping beans.  That is what those beans are.  We dumped the beans out of Snorlax into a fitted sheet.  It was a two-person job.  We were both covered in beans as well as everything in the general vicinity. Snorlax still has some beans inside that refuse to exit.  Snorlax will need to be turned inside out to be able to reinforce all the seams.  By that time the walls will probably be covered with more of those beans.

Right now I am taking a break from sewing the fitted sheet closed.  I am doing it by hand.  Methinks I should have done most of the sheet closure using the machine before filling with the beans.  Hindsight is 100% perfect.  

Oh, the fitted sheet with the beans inside will be placed inside the repaired Snorlax.  That way should there be another seam split the beans will be contained in the liner.  Hopefully, we will not have to do the jumping bean mess again.  

Once I was able to remove the majority of the beans stuck to Snorlax I began the repair.  As I examined the entire bag several other weak areas were detected.  Some time was spent zigzagging the entire bag.  I did have to stop long enough to clean up the bean mess.  And, yes, there were beans up about one foot on the wall next to where I had debeaned Snorlax.  Cousin is dropping by on her way back home.  We'll have dinner out then come home and visit.  Snorlax completion will have to wait until tomorrow.  


  1. Hari Om
    ...ah it seems I missed another post. Part of the trouble is that another blogpal's blog has taken to republishing, en masse, posts from a decade ago. Dozens - hundreds - of them. Sifting through the reader for the ones I want to see is proving difficult. Needles, haystacks... YAM xx

    1. I currently am checking only about 4 blogs on a regular basis. That is a real change from years ago. The change is probably due mostly to not having much to contribute. Just another season in life. As for notifications, my husband is no longer getting notifications of when I publish. Not sure what changed. Must be something to do with algorithms in Blogger. namaste, janice xx


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