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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Robbie Drawing, Day Two

Robbie the Robot awoke exactly on time, 6:38 AM.  Working to sweep up all the bits and pieces that fall on the floor of the apartment.  The apartment is 30' by 30' minus the walls.  That is about 880 square feet.  Of course, there is furniture that is too low to get under.  In addition, there are appliances and cabinets in both the kitchen and bathroom.  A coat closet, pantry, and linen closet all reduce the exposed square footage.  

As noted yesterday, the internet connection to my phone has a diagram of all the areas Robbie cleans.  A small green dot depicts Robbie's location.  Robbie had already returned to the charger before I did the screenshot.  Today's screenshot represents all Robbie's movements.  Looks like a teddy bear to me.  Maybe standing on its head?

And the photo says the bear is hibernating.  TeeeHeeeeHeeee.

It is surely fun to have a phone that can track Robbie.  When he hides, it is easy to find him.  The controls even include programming special functions.  Spot cleaning for just a small area.  Edge cleaning to just clean the baseboard areas.  Change the bin to a moping unit and Robbie will map the hard floors.  Yes, smartphones, the internet, and good apps have changed life.  How have they changed yours?

Take care,



  1. Hari Om
    ooooohh... now I think Robbie has drawn an image of the 'island' he traverses each day, all the cliffs and beaches and lakes...

    I do not have a phone that does anything other than phones ought to do - make and recieve calls or texts. The internet, though, that I would feel the loss of were it to be taken away altogether. For a while, anyway... YAM xx

    1. My 'tribe' of son, dil, grandkids, even old sisters all use text for all it's worth. My cell is full of apps and does not always function as well as I would like. I can say I do not wish to upgrade. Works for my needs of communication with the tribe. namaste, janice xx


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