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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Shadows

For several years the blogger Magical Mystical Teacher has been hosting three photo blogs.  Shadow Shot Sunday 2, Blue Monday, and Ruby Tuesday Too give amateur photographers something to look for when out enjoying the hobby.  MMT's commitment to hosting 3 memes is an inspiration in itself.  In addition to the photo memes, MMT writes poetry.

While I usually use one of my WordPress blogs for photo memes, today I will use this one.  Earlier this week we enjoyed some time on South Padre Island.  The weather was cold for a Gulf of Mexico beach. In addition, it was windy and rainy.  Those conditions do not give many opportunities for shadow shots.  On Tuesday, the day we were leaving, the day broke with the clouds receding into the Gulf.  Time for a walk.

 Y'all take care.  And visit MMT's blog to see more shadow shots.  Or maybe you will have a shadow shot you might like to share.



  1. Nice find that you got there.
    Yes, I'm a big fan of MMT. Nobody pairs words with photos like she does, plus do three memes a week. She's awesome!!

  2. Beach shadows appear in the strangest places and forms, don't they?

  3. Hari OM
    I find memes, on the whole, to be a tad painful; as the organiser, getting participants, and as a participant, learning to drop any expectation that others will actually honour the round-robin visits or leave appropriate comments. (Which I understand to some degree as the majority of blogs linking to memes/bloghops are not ones I would ever visit anyway...)

    I do appreciate the quality ones and that you have found good prompt material from this one. MMTs offerings are lovely. YAM xx

    1. Early on I was participating in memes every day of the week. At least 3 no longer function. One was lack of participation. At least two others were the host was ready to stop. I have met some wonderful folks through the memes. namaste, janice xx


Thanks for stopping by this bit of nothing. Would enjoy any comments you might have. Blessings