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Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday Moods

Hubby awoke with a bee in his bonnet about the cost of his medication his month. It is time for he yearly deductible.  It makes one say ouch to hear the full amount.  The result of Hubby's bee is I just spent an hour researching part D plans. Pretty much as long as it is broad.  Some plans have lower monthly rates but higher copays.  Others have higher monthly payments but low copays.  Boils down to when do you want to pay out the $$$.

Today is rainy and Monday.  No walking the beach with intermittent rain showers and howling winds.  The flags are red, the surf is high, and the temperature is unpleasant.  With the mood being a bit less than happy, I began thinking about that song, Rainy days and MondaysThe rest of the line goes ... always get me down.  Not going to happen to me today.

With that thought on my mind I notice the sun is trying hard to break through the rain clouds.  It is my choice to enjoy this last day near the beach.  After all the rain, wind blown churning surf are all part of the glorious Creation.  The shorebirds are still diving for food and that's entertainment enough for this 75 years old woman.

Take care and enjoy the little things.

The song


  1. Hari OM
    We share the weather, it seems. Ugh to the medical care stuff... something I don't have to fret about here, thank goodness. We are pretty blessed in the UK. YAM xx

    1. The weather cleared up so that our last morning was splendid. As for the medical, still more fortunate than so many in the US as we can afford the meds. namaste, janice xx


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