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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday's Fun

Good coffee smells fill the room.  Eyes open to what will be a sunny day.  Just a bit of a headache will pass soon.  Hot coffee seems to chase the headache away almost every time.  There is a zoom book club meeting.  If hair is combed then I can stay in my t-shirt and position my tablet just so.  No one will know I am still in my PJs.

The days by the sea were a nice change of scenery.  We considered thinking the sound of all the nearby traffic could maybe be thought of like the sound of the surf.  If we close our eyes will it work?

Nope, not the same at all.  Guess a person just needs to live in the moment where ever they find themselves.  

Take care,




  1. Hari OM
    LOL - it was worth a try! You need soundscape. I was listening to some Aussie birdsong earlier today and with my eyes closed (and many layers of shawl on) I could project myself right into the bush with the gumtrees and wattles dappling the sun... sigh... YAM xx

    1. Guess I had best try some of that Aussie birdsong. Part of the problem with the surf and traffic sounds is we live about 500 steps from a firehouse! Sirens can sure wake one with a startle at 2 AM. namaste, janice xx


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