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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Putting It Back Together

Putting things back together can be challenging.  Snorlax is requiring more zigzagging.  Stitching toes and fingers on Snorlax is time-consuming.  Shoulders allow only so long sitting at the sewing machine before needing to rest.  Resting means sitting in my easy chair looking at the clutter in our main living/dining/kitchen area.  Taking note of the surroundings is when one realizes stuff is not in its assigned location.  Almost March 1 and the poinsettias are still in an arrangement.  Two more holiday decorations are noticed.   A little clutter goes a long way in a 14' by 29' room.

Last evening's visitors needed a place to sleep.  Sleeping requires beds and bedding.  Now there are two sets of sheets, blankets, and pillows to be prepped for storage in space saver bags.  There are two mattresses to be rolled up and tied in place.  The rolled mattresses will each be placed in two large bags.  The bagged mattresses are hoisted on top of a storage unit in the small storage closet, aka small barn.  Finally, the bed frame will be collapsed and placed in its storage container in the 'larger barn'/storage closet.

Once all that stuff is out of the way a couple of the Christmas storage bins will be retrieved.  Those bins are at the very top of the 7 foot, 2 feet deep shelving unit in the small barn.  Items from those bins will be pulled down to replace the poinsettias. That will make room for the remaining Christmas deco to be stored till December.  After all that is back together, it will be time to restuff Snorlax.

The refill of Snorlax will sure as shootin' mean more white bean bag beans from head to toe.  Top of furniture to the floor.  Still on the front of my sewing machine.  Bean bag bean mess.  We sprayed with water, swept, and vacuumed for an hour yesterday prepping for our guests.  We are still finding the beans everywhere imaginable.  Down on the sofa under the seat cushions.  In the closet, because the silly things were clinging to the legs of my clothing.  Stuck in the ridges of my shoes.  I swear, they are worse than glitter.

Seems as though between bean bag beans and the glitter from Christmas decorations I may never get everything put back together again.  Oh, well, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again.  Which makes me ask, how in the world would horses ever hope to put an egg together again?

Stay safe and I offer prayers for those who have lost loved ones.


PS:  It is 37℉, 2.7℃ which makes it cold going back and forth to storage closets.  Unheated halls and closets.  So some of the projects will wait for a warmer day.


  1. Hari OM
    ...a belated word to the wise; when filling anything with poly-beans, stand naked in the bath with the shower curtain pulled shut. Absolute containment.

    Would that there was as easy a containment policy for world happenings... YAM xx

    1. Tried your suggestion and it surely helped. namaste, janice xx


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