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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday Weariness

The alarm is set for 6:50 AM.  An 8:00 AM dental appointment means an early rise.  Early morning appointments mean a restless night.  Startling awake to check the clock.  Had overslept on Monday morning.  Woke at 8:00 and rested her head back on the pillow for just another 15 minutes.  An hour and forty-five minutes later the bladder calls.  Late!  Supposed to pick up Erica at 9:45.  Dressed quickly and a text saying 'on the way'.

The alarm was not needed as the cell on her pillow notifies of text messages.  It is  6:13 AM.  Sisters in different cities saying good morning.  Asking the sister in Oklahoma how her two granddaughters' families are doing.  Both ladies, their young daughters, and one husband have Covid.  The youngsters are 5, 3, and 1.   The granddaughters and their husbands did not believe they needed vaccinations.  Now there are 6 ill folks in the extended family.  Prayers were requested, again.

Arriving at the dentist's a paper was filled out confirming one has not had contact with a person with Covid.  No symptoms of Covid for one's self.  Next, there is handwashing and a bacterial gargle before being seated in the dental chair.   This visit is the x-ray required appointment.  Sure enough, a decayed area beneath an existing crown is detected.  A second appointment will be needed to deal with the new crown.  The required cleaning and fluoride treatment were completed.  The dental technician had noted the reception area was down to one person as the manager had changed locations.  

At the reception/checkout/appointment desk a bit of a conflab is going on.  One gentleman is attempting to get a cleaning appointment for one of his children.  He wants it tomorrow.  The next appointment opening is in June.  As the dentist is part of a chain of dental offices, the gentleman insists on checking other locations.  More discussion and insistence on his part to see his son's chart and have items explained.  Even requests copies of the records.  Then he requests a plastic cover to carry the copies in for protection.  The one receptionist/clerk/scheduler is doing her best.  She retreats into the back and a dental assistant comes to the front.  

Now there are two people having to deal with this one 'gentleman'.  That left three people waiting to be checked in or out just waiting.  After 25 minutes, the 'gentleman' was asked to step away from the front counter to a side counter so other patients can be helped.  He was on his phone speaking with an online scheduler for an appointment time and location information.  His speakerphone was loud enough all can hear the conversation.  The dental assistant was still helping this one man.

After over 30 minutes the other three people began to be processed.  The first is the lady waiting to be checked in.  The second is for me to be checked out and an appointment for the new cap.  The receptionist/clerk/scheduler is in tears. 

"Honey, are you okay? I asked. 

"No" comes the answer.

"I'm retired and have all the time in the world.  Go take a break and I'll wait".

It takes a while but the receptionist/clerk/scheduler returns.  She notes she had worked eleven straight hours the previous days with no break.  The young woman was obviously at her limits.  Check-out was completed and the tooth cap appointment was made.  The third person who had been waiting to begin his check-in was called as the retired lady left.  The "gentleman" was still waiting to get the location of his next day's appointment.  

February 2021 storm
After the dental appointment and ensuing drama at check out it is back to the apartment for breakfast.  A bit of watching Gunsmoke then over to sit with Erica.  Back home around 8:30 and the texts are coming from the sisters.  This evening the reports are on the progress of the approaching ice storms.  Oklahoma's sister sends a video showing the blowing snow/sleet mixture.  Dallas area sister reports freezing rain.  I note it is still above freezing here in central Texas.  The rain is coming down and so is the temperature.  Predictions of up to 1/3 inch of ice by morning.

Hubby asks what time we want to get up in the morning.  We had planned to join our cousin at the coast.  My answer is a question, "You want to drive on ice?"

"Not really" is his answer.  That's when I wonder if the 'gentleman' will be willing to drive on ice to get his son's teeth cleaned tomorrow.

Y'all stay safe,



  1. Hari Om
    Crikey, who knew a visit to the dentist could be anything so entertaining?!! The stuff of drama shows, that scene.

    A lot of folk here are talking about spring already - but my experience is that February hides the winter that we have all been missing. Then again, we are in crazy times... YAM xx

    1. The dentist visit was like a reality show! Between the ongoing Covid sicknesses and deaths mixed with the bad weather, people on their last nerve. Very last nerve. namaste, janice xx


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